Fasal Ghutti formula


  • Mustard/Neem/Sesame cake - 20 kg
  • (Any one of the three cakes or all three cakes should be taken together)
  • Sea salt - 5kg
  • Chuna - 2 kg
  • Water - 200 liters


  • First of all, add 2 kg of unquenched chuna in 200 liters of water.
  • Leave until it returns to normal.
  • Then add salt, add cake at the end.
  • After two days, apply it to the roots of the crop.


  • Elements like phosphorus, potash, nitrogen, sulfur from cake and lime. Minerals like sodium, potassium and calcium are obtained from salt,
  • Due to which the crop starts showing shine and growth immediately.

Usage time limit – 1 week