इसे छोड़कर सामग्री पर बढ़ने के लिए
Bhumi Upchaar & Development
Land Development Cost or Capital Expense - One time cost
Self made products
- Pond Soil/CVR soil - 6 trollies
- Red Clay mineral - 250 kg
- Yellow Clay mineral - 100 kg
- Rock soil - 250 kg
- White clay mineral - 400 kg
- White mineral - 50 kg
- Desi cow fertilizer - 12 quintals
- To restore top soil, a brilliant and permanent solution to meet the needs of topsoil
- Helps introduce beneficial microorganisms
- Reduces the density of soil
- Immunity against germs increases.
Disinfect soil
Soul products
- This is optional and can be done one time.
- किसी चयन को चुनने से पूरा पृष्ठ ताज़ा हो जाता है।
- एक नई विंडो में खुलता है।